AWS S3 Setup Guide


Finley uses AWS S3 data transfer to take in customer asset tapes on a regular cadence. This guide walks you through our preferred data transfer setup.

Step-by-step instructions

The three steps to setting up an S3 transfer with Finley are:

  1. Give Finley your AWS account ID. Finley will create an S3 bucket with cross-account permissions to your account, and let you know the name of the bucket (referenced onwards as [cross-account-bucket-name]).

  2. Confirm that your AWS account has access. Once the bucket has been created, an admin user will be able to access the bucket via CLI (aws s3 ls s3://[cross-account-bucket-name] --profile [admin-aws-profile]).

  3. You are now able to give your AWS service access to this S3 bucket through an IAM role with appropriate bucket permissions. Example policy below:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow"

And that's it! Once configured, the Finley team will provide additional guidance on preferred CSV data formats, and you’ll be able to programmatically drop CSV files into the bucket that we would incorporate into the required reports for capital provider submission.

Uploading files after setup

Once the bucket is live, you will be able to upload files to it that Finley will now have access to. AWS has a suite of API and CLI tools to get this job done outlined here.

Last updated