
User Information

This section shows an overview of the details provided to Finley, including your organization, industry, name, and email. You can edit personal information from this page.

Bank Accounts

The Bank Accounts page shows the list of all your bank accounts organized by each credit facility. For each account, you can view the holder, institution, account information, classification, connection provider, and balance.

Add New Accounts

To add a new bank account, select the “add new bank account” button at the top of the page. From here, add all the requested information regarding the bank account. Note that for the account type, you can only select between collections account, other reserve account, parent operating account, or pre-funding account if the account holder is your institution.

In order to set up the funding account or SPV, you must select the account holder as your capital provider. Note that once an account has been added for a certain credit facility and account holder you cannot create any additional accounts. In other words, you can have a maximum of 5 accounts for each credit facility.

Once an account has been added, as shown in the video above, its details can be edited by pressing the settings icon, and it can be deactivated by pressing the trash icon.

Bank Integrations

Finley provides the option to integrate data from different bank accounts with our system. This simplifies the compliance process and gives your capital provider immediate insight into your flow of funds.

From this page you can connect new accounts and view accounts already integrated. The dashboard shows the name of the account, type of account, and the amount of funds.

You can use both Plaid and Teller to integrate a bank account by pressing the “connect new account” button under each header and logging into your account.


Managing Notifications

The notifications tab allows you to configure the Slack and email alerts you receive from Finley. Email notifications can be managed via the dashboard on the page. You can choose to receive regular digest emails providing a summary of your credit facilities, funding request emails, and deliverables updates. Slack notifications can be managed in Slack once integrated.

Slack Integration


Finley provides a Slack application that notifies you of updates on your Finley-managed credit facility. This guide walks you through the process of connecting the Finley Slack app with your existing Slack Workspace.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Choose a channel (or multiple channels) in your Slack workspace where you want to receive notifications from Finley. You can create new channels for this purpose, or use your existing channels. Keep these in mind for now.

  2. Log in to Finley at in your web browser.

  3. Navigate to the Settings tab in the left-hand sidebar of the application, then select the Slack tab along the top.

  4. Click Add to Slack and follow the on-screen prompts

    1. From the dropdown, select the channel (or one of the channels, if there are multiple) where you’d like to receive Finley notifications. Click Allow.

    2. You will be redirected to your Slack workspace. You can now exit the window.

    3. You should see in the channel that you have added a new integration.

  5. Repeat Step 4 for every channel where you would like to receive notifications.

  6. Invite the Finley app to each channel you connected in Step 4. In the connected channel in your Slack workspace, type /invite @Finley. You should then see that the Finley app has been added to the channel.

Last updated